Real Estate Market Analysis

Whether buying or selling a property, a real estate market analysis should always be done.We analyse the current property market, the availability of services and amenities, research ongoing price trends,economic/demographic market analysis, historical operating performance and future estimates, analysis of historical and anticipated capital expenditures, and assessment of competitive positioning within the local market.

Property Portfolio and Risk Diversification Evaluation

We assess the value of the existing property portfolio by calculating the rental yields, taking into account interest rate and market fluctuations, and other aspects that could have an impact on the property investments. Discussingthe currentposition and advice on the options helps to make informed decisions about how best to manage the property portfolio.

Acquisition and Disposal Advisory

For businesses and investors considering property acquisitions or sales, we offer invaluable experience and insightful local knowledge. We are working with our client throughout a one-off project or providing on-going advice and support to enhance your longer-term investment plan, including portfolio management.

We help smooth the progress of the transaction and, because we know every deal is different, we focus our resources on meeting our clients’ needs according to the specific circumstances of each transaction.