Real Estate Advisory Services

Real Estate Market Analysis Whether buying or selling a property, a real estate market analysis should always be done.We analyse the current property market, the availability of services and amenities, research ongoing price trends,economic/demographic market analysis, historical operating performance and future estimates, analysis of historical and anticipated capital expenditures, and assessment of competitive positioning within… Continue reading Real Estate Advisory Services

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility study is an important assessment tool that is used to assess the potential for a proposed project. A developer might conduct a feasibility study before building a new project to determine if there is sufficient demand for the units, and to assess the costs and potential profits of the project. We provide an in-depth… Continue reading Feasibility Studies

Property Valuation

Financial/Mortgage lending Valuations We provide valuations for mortgage purposes to banks and their clients to ensure that the property can support the purchase price. If the property is valued at a lower price than the mortgage provider is willing to lend additional securities will be required. Litigation support and expert witness testimony Disputes over property… Continue reading Property Valuation